Jachty k pronájmu v Chorvatsku

Jachty k pronájmu v Chorvatsku

Pronájem plachetnic, motorových lodí a katamaránů na Jadranu - Ověřte si naši bohatou nabídku plavidel, která jsou dostupná k pronájmu v Chorvatsku – celkem více než 2100 jachet, které jsou k dispozici pro rezervaci, z toho 600 ve skutečném čase!

Ochrana přírody

Natural beauty in CroatiaAdvices and recommendations that follow below warn how the consequences of the irresponsible conduct of each and every particular person may influence nature.
These advices and recommendations represent the contribution of Vakance Charter about raising up the consciousness of every person concerning his relationship to nature, and with the goal that all nature beauty of our coastline, the seas and the islands may be preserved for the generations yet to come.


Using the toilet while in the marinas and the seaports is forbidden; therefore, the corresponding fines for the law-breakers are high. If your vessel is moored, use the sanitary nodes of the marina, or the closest catering place. If you are moored at some inlet, use the toilet discretely, having checked that there are no swimmers nearby.

Trash and waste

The already-used objects, as well as all other kinds of waste should not be thrown into the sea, especially not left at the beaches and in the inlets where you have anchored your boat because, most often, there are no organized services that will collect and take them away. You should throw away the garbage and the rest of the waste exclusively at the designated for this purpose places in the marinas and the ports you dock in.

Starting a fire

If for the purpose of using the grill, or creating a special atmosphere, you decide to star a fire, do that only by the coastline and never in a pine forest, or alongside any vegetation. Do all that with extreme caution and, if there is even the smallest live coat, do not leave it without supervision. It is recommended that you have at hand the fire extinguisher of the vessel, a bucket full of water, or any other convenient "tools" that may be of some help, if something goes wrong.

Distress flares box

Handle the flares extremely responsibly and consciously because experience has shown that they cannot start a fire, unless they are fired off elementally and carelessly.

Endangered species

No matter how rich and diverse the Adriatic flora, fauna, some specific vegetative and animal species may be, due to the uncontrolled hunting, most often they are threatened to be fully exterminated. By your responsible behavior you take care of the flora and fauna of our Adriatic Sea (do not pollute the sea; fish only the quantity that you can consume; do not kill animals for fun; do not pluck out the sea vegetation due to boredom…)

Ecological catastrophes

If during sailing you notice any indications of ecological catastrophes (oil or oil spillages, fish destruction, fires…) or if you cause any of them, for the sake of taking quick and effective control over them, immediately notify the closest port authorities, or the corresponding rescue team..

May the Mediterranean pearl shines !!!